Thursday, March 4, 2010

So, Matthew Sunderland. You can fucking die. I have no idea what makes you so entitled to believe what you believe about the nature of human friendships. I guess it comes from you upbringing. Your parents truly fucked up, because whatever you think is normal and acceptable behavior is just ridiculously not. I have stood by throughout these last two and half years as a blind fool, defending your stupid choices and remaining your ally when I clearly shouldn't have. You have used me as a means to mediate your anger and angst, often not caring about how I felt about the matter, and ignored everything that I have ever told you. Last semester, you were being downright annoying and disrespecting to me. So I lashed out in really the only way I had, through banning you from the dressing room. You were not welcomed by actors in the dressing room, you got in the way of our work, and were downright distasteful around people in sensitive situations. Why the fuck did you have to be backstage when you weren't doing anything for show? You were the assistant lighting designer, weren't you suppose to go watch the play? I'll admit I was bitter of against you for dropping me as your dominate male friend for Chris Forrer, but I came to realize you only used me as something to make yourself feel better.

THEN you decide to cause all hell among everyone else while not saying a word to Alessa or I. You got your way, as usual, cause apparently you're so bloody special. And then you couldn't understand why I was so angry at you? Really? REALLY? I however decided to let that slide as usual because I am meek.

Dog Sees God - You shouldn't be CB. It was a terrible choice. But whatever, not your fault I guess. However you would constantly flaunt your victory around me. You know I wanted the part more than I had ever wanted something at our stupid school. But as usual, you got what you wanted, and you made everyone know it. Why did you need take your script to the pool, when we were swimming? There was no reason you needed to learn lines around us. We were playing marco polo. Don't think that I am that stupid to not know what you were doing.

Finally the whole towel thing. I allowed you into my apartment on the basis of you not even going near Garrett's things. I thought it would be good for you to get over your irrational need to destroy him. However you are just as petty as you ever have been. You went and rubbed your penis or peed on his towel. But first you couldn't figure out which towel was his, so you took a random guess and told me that you had done it to my towel. AND THEN YOU EXPECTED ME TO BE OKAY WITH IT?!? You were a fucking douche bag and you abused my trust.

Then last night. You were not the victim. I banned you from my room because you did something truly douchy and I couldn't trust you to be a decent person over here. And then you said something petty about me being banned from your apartment, and I didn't want to spend time with you. You called Amanda and yelled at her, and she hung up. And yet your feelings have been hurt and I am destroying our friendship?

Oh no sir. I am done. I have had to carry you across oceans of hate and negativity, and for what? To be treated like a large pile of compost to be burned? I don't deserve this. Amanda, Alessa, everyone you have ever treated like this doesn't deserve this. I will admit it, and I don't care if you are offended or hurt by it. YOU ARE A TERRIBLE HUMAN BEING.

I am not perfect. I have been pretty douchy and self centered in my life. But nowhere as cruel and maleficent as you. I am done being your friend. I can't coddle you any longer. I have not the love or patience anymore. I use to be a better person, you have made me worse. I am done.


  1. Good for you, Steven. Good for you. Everyone has dealt with his shit for way too long now. You especially. Matt is never going to change. I truly believe that. I've also tried on multiple occasions to defend him or to talk him out of a stupid tirade he was on (always to no avail). He can't let things go.

    He harbors insufficient feelings of righteousness and entitlement and when anyone comes close to tearing down the walls of that bubble, he feels threatened and he picks a fight.

    His use of people is completely narcissistic and it's become more and more obvious why it's so hard for him to see why people get angry with him, don't want to talk to him, or even stop being his friend.

    He has treated you like shit, and you've constantly questioned why you put up with it. But it's because you're a decent person and you know that everyone has their faults--you wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt that, deep down, he's a decent person. However, he's proven, time and time again, that he can't ever be the bigger person. He can't admit his faults. He can't be humbled. He can't be bothered enough to listen to someone else's issues without integrating his own and making it about him.

    I'd like to say that he'll change, but if he hasn't show any prospect for change as of yet, I don't think it'll happen in the future.

    He may get everything he wants now, but once he's out of the safe environment of Linfield, he'll get a rude awakening. People aren't going to put up with his shit, because they don't have to like they do there. He's going to graduate and feel more alone than ever because, over the past few years, while everyone else was connecting and building relationships for the future, he's done nothing but consistently burn all of those bridges.

    He's a deceitful person and genuinely deceitful people are antisocial people, as hard as they try to fit in. He isolates himself because he can't bare to see that he might be wrong about something. Or he might not be the best at something.

    I'm sorry that you have to deal with him, but at least it's no longer in a personal matter. I think, even if he tries to say that you're off base in your feelings, there are more people that are fed up with him than there are people who are completely on his side. Even people on his side probably feel that he's wrong in a lot of his actions, they either don't mind them as much, or they have to put up with them.

    Everyone has moments of conceit or douchey-ness. But it's being able to admit and truly mean it when you admit it that makes you a better person than him (among other things).

  2. good for you, pinkey! I don't know who this is, but I support your life choices!!!

  3. I'm glad you're allowing yourself to let go of him, because you don't deserve to put up with all of Sunders' shit. He's ridiculous. You've been really tolerant with him since the beginning, and he has completely disrespected you way too many times. He's not worth getting stressed out and having all these problems going on in your life.

    Will he change? Who knows. But during your time there at Linfield, I highly doubt it. He's too self-righteous, with an ego the size of Mars. But you're a good friend and at least tried to stick by him and help him out.

    Don't worry, it's his loss. He'll realize it down the road when he has no one to turn to.

    <3 you Steven. I miss you.

  4. you are so much better than that zit-faced, ball-scratching dickweed. he needs to wake up and realize what an asshole he is.

  5. Yo! You and me and super sharp objects needs to attack this mother fucker. I have tried being nice, but now I am done.
