Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Comedy of Errors!

Yeah I finally got cast in an official Linfield Janet directed production! I am the Courtesan in Comedy of Errors. And I have a enough lines to be a notable secondary character. I think I have a page long monologue. Woot sauce. I think this cast will be fun, if not a little dangerous with some of our more exuberant members. And I get to be dressed in drag. We will see how I do. Now Alessa and I can no longer complain about not being cast in a main-stage show here at Linfield. I know you were a tad upset about not getting called back by Janet, which I saw no reason for you not to come back, but remember you got chosen for Dog Sees God against a lot of talent, so your awesome!

Funny thing is that I will perform in drag on my birthday! It's a Sunday, but yeah!
Really excited!


  1. AHHH
    this is exciting.

    who else is cast?

  2. Ok, fine. I will admit I can no longer complain about not being cast... but I can still complain a little because I have never been cast by Janet. Which means you are twice as awesome as me because you got cast by Janet which is tough. I got cast by Jay who also cast Matt... so what does that say?

    But you need to know this... I AM SOOOOOOOOO EXCITED FOR YOU! Plus, now I finally get someone in drag! YAY! However, I have decided I am not helping out with this show. But, I love you and will watch you and cheer for you!

  3. PIMP. You will be pimp! Or...fierce, or fabulous, is that more appropriate? :P
