Sunday, August 23, 2009

So, let's talk some True Blood.

It has totally trapped me in its vampire grasp, I haven't been excited about a show like this in a long time. I have been going onto blogs and posts about the show for several days, and I was absolutely giddy seeing tonight's episode.

I love Anna Paquin! Sookie Stackhouse is amazing.
Also I really enjoy the Maryann plot. Michelle forbes plays such a wonderful psychotic bitch, which reminds me of her character she played in Battlestar. She is prehaps my favorite character, though seems no one else seems to like her.

I also love Tara and Lafayette. Great side characters who have their own lives beyond the Stackhouses.

And then there is Jason, played by Ryan Kwanten, of Summerland fame. Ouch.

I don't like Bill. Never have, too melodramatic. Hope Eric wins. Pam is awesome.

Sorry. Mind. Is Funky. Will add more later. Blarg.


1 comment:

  1. really? Ryan Kwanten is on that show? huh, i never knew that. that's kinda amusing. i've never watched it because i don't have HBO or whatever station it's on. and i'm kinda anti-mainstream-vampire-stuff. but i hear lots of people like it for the vampire sex and drama and sex.
