Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Oh the bitter cold and copious meat products!

Oh Iowa, how you treat me so. Middle brother trying to showcase his masculinity. Youngest brother following me like I dispense cosmic brownies, which are apparently his only nourishment. Younger sister stabbing younger stabbing Youngest brother with a fork, getting called a stupid bitch by Grandfather, and then given twenty dollars for gas money. At least there is a copious amount of meat products. I swear I have eaten so many different animals here, I could have a menagerie, if they weren't in my digestive system. Deer is yummy, don't be critical!

All in all I am happy to visit this place though it is bitter sweet. I hate my aunt, but that's not her fault. I feel theatrical gay men, and sporty basketball playing lesbians will never coexist, but whatever. Saw Avatar, if I weren't a crazed liberal myself, I would just jump on all the messages in this film. And they killed Sigourney Weaver! Who kills Sigourney Weaver? Also my aunt scheduled me to fly back on January 6th. Only problem is, Jan Term starts on the 4th... Dipshit. She worked at the college for over ten years! It starts the same time, every fucking year. Now I have to the deal missing basically a week of a four week class. Bitch.

Sorry for the negativity. I just have been cramped up in this ice infested hole for too long. All of you people think you like snow, but when it sticks around for six months, you start liking perpetual rain.

I miss you guys. I just get along so much better in Mac, then here. I love my family, but you guys just understand me so much better. Margh! Hopefully Amanda will come visit me! Yeah for knowing someone in this place.


  1. Why is that our little group of friends could write a book based on our unique family members?! Haha. It's slightly amusing, until I actually start thinking about what I'd writing about. Then, not so amusing.

    I agree. I'd get fucking sick of the snow. Which works out great for me, since I don't have to deal with it at all! But maybe a week or two of it would be nice. Not a couple of months though. Can you leave your house at all??

    That makes no sense that your aunty (yes, I say aunty) booked a flight AFTER Jan term already started...sorry dude.

    I miss thee!! I miss all you guys. *sigh*

  2. That's sucks about your aunt and the plane ride. That's a crap move to do. I miss you like crazy Steven! So, I told my mom about your line about theatrical gay men and sporty lesbians... she thought that was a great line. Should be put into our play I think! Anyway, I totally understand about family. My family on both sides are hard to tolerate after about... an hour. If it weren't for my mom I would completely cut myself off from my family. But, I hope you enjoy the rest of your time there. I will miss you that first week of Jan Term. Don't kill anyone!!! LOVES!!!!!!!

  3. So I wont be able to come and see you then... :( your aunt is retarded. I will miss you so much for so long! But I guess we don't see each other much anyways, so we will be fine. Just promise me you won't be too envious of me and my Frenchness, and do remember: I'm bringing you back a Frenchman.
