Sunday, November 1, 2009

Bad Romance

Hey everybody!
Long time, no blog. I believe I missed the entire month of October. Any who it was a pretty sucky month overall so whatever.

News from the land of Steven:
- We finished our white model in Scenic Design. Pretty sure Ty hates it, but whatever, it took a good forty eight hours of my life so he can just suck it. Yeah Alessa, mid-morning nights!
- Cast my directing scene! Will Bailey and freshman, Daphne Dosset, an alliteration amiga. I don't think Will Bailey likes me very much, and he doesn't seem excited, but whatever.
- I want to fucking murder Sunderland. Not really news, but it's a bit more fiery nowadays.

So that it what is going on right this moment. I am really tired of school. Blech! It's not even the work, really. I have done everything so far and am doing well, I believe. I am just worn out for the lack of free time. And usually I am the first to admit that I spend a copious amount of time doing nothing. Not really the case right now. Guess I need to be a semi-serious layabout the be happy, no?

In better visions, The FAME MONSTER is coming out this month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so fucking excited, I can barely contain it. I love Bad Romance, especially the more and more that I listen to it. It is so god damned catchy. Lady Gaga, je t'adore. I really want the shirt, Cd deal thing, but my money is running low cause of my idiot aunt. But I want it!

Blech. I also hate relationships. People are so fucking screwy sometimes. Sorry to you all, but damn, can't you deal with your problems without causing such a ruckus and being complete dicks to each other, I mean come on. (This probably why I haven't had a relationship, nor will have one anytime soon.)

At least I have Lady Gaga.


  1. Oh Steven! I love you! I would love to kill Matt with you. Plus I love that you used fiery in a sentence. Oh, scenic design... my first all nighter... and I liked it. Fun times. But lets not do it again anytime soon.

    Ok, so now that I have listened to Bad Romance a few times with you... I really like it. I told you this, but I have it stuck in my head. The I want your love, love, love, I want your love part.

    I am super excited for your directing scene. I think it's going to be pretty awesome.

    La la la la la la la la la la. *Heart*

  2. Aww, I've missed out on all nighters and desires to kill Sunders. :( Man I hate being home!


    Yeah, relationships. Pssh, who needs one?? ...Well, I don't need one. But I'd like one. :P Haha. I miss you Steven and I'm real happy I'm gonna see you soon!

  3. Steven, not only do you have Lady Gaga, but you have me!!! :)

    I'll be glad when this show is over.

    I love your posts. They're so classy with the French thrown in there.

